
FarmHannong is making a leap forward as a global green
bio company through consistent challenges and innovations


Leading Company of Korean Agricultural Industry

FarmHannong is the nation’s top green bio company that developed together with korean agriculture since its founding in 1953.
FarmHannong is first place in crop protection material market share and second in seed and fertilizer market share, and it is serving as a leader for improving the competitiveness and for the globalization of Korean agriculture based on extensive experience and advanced technologies.

FarmHannong vows to be the true partner of farmers through best quality products and services and distinguished farming solutions to contribute in improving farming productivity and supplying safe foods. By concentrating on the development of next-generation products such as new crop protection materials, functional seeds, controlled release fertilizers, etc., we will help realize easy farming and sustainable farming.

Under the vision of ‘To be a Green Bio Company Enriching Human Life by providing differentiated customer value’, FarmHannong will grow as a global green bio company that contributes to the construction of a healthy future.



View Location
April, 1953
5~6F, FKI Tower, 24, Yeoui-daero, Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul, Korea
Business Areas
Crop Protection Seed Fertilizer

Crop Protection

Fungicides, Insecticides, Herbicides, Growth Regulators, Novel Active Ingredients(rice herbicide, horticulture insecticide, non-selective herbicide), Bio-pesticide, Quarantine Treatments, Specialty Product

We offer distinguished solutions with the best technologies and largest sales and service network

Since producing and supplying crop protection materials for the first time in 1953, we have maintained a firm leadership position in domestic market share. We are leading the market based on our top-of-the-industry R&D competencies and by constructing the nation’s largest production capacity and sales and services network.

We are advancing our business through five high-value crop protection materials such as the globally competitive ‘Terrad’or’ and by entering the global crop protectant market in earnest.

Business sites

Nonsan Crop Protection
Research Institute

Production Facility


Hot Pepper, Tomato, Watermelon, Korean Melon, Melon, Radish, Chinese Cabbage, Cucumber, Onion, Green Onion, Spinach, Rootstock, etc.

We grow our seeds with advanced breeding technologies. We protect our seed sovereignty

FarmHannong is the vegetable seed breeding company based on South Korea, and we have over 400 commercial varieties in 20 crops. We have acquired Monsanto Korea(Hungnong Brand) in 2012 to expand our genetic traits and germplasm.
We are breeding scopes using advanced bio-technology with high-functional disease resistance. FarmHannong seeds delivers outstanding growing potential to our growers by providing excellent performance varieties through seed health lab test in compliance with strict Quality Assurance regulation.

Business sites

Anseong Seed
Research Institute

Anseong Production Facility


Controlled Release Fertilizers(CRF), Water Soluble Fertilizers(WSF), Compound Fertilizers, Organic Fertilizers, Potting Soil

We are realizing convenient and sustainable farming with highly functional fertilizers

Based on our technological competencies that produced the nation’s first compound fertilizer in 1967, we are developing and supplying high-quality fertilizers optimized for our soil and our crops. The assorted fertilizers developed according to the features of each region and each customer are contributing to increasing farm income as well as crop quality.

We focus on the development of highly functional fertilizers such as controlled release fertilizer(CRF) and water soluble fertilizer(WSF) that have high user convenience for excellent labor-saving effects, while being very effective in protecting the environment as well.

Business sites

Ulsan Production Facility